About me

Hi, my name is Florian Rhomberg and I am an IT-Entrepreneur and Software Developer. After studying Computer Science at the University of Innsbruck I worked as a Freelancer for several years and in 2019 I founded my own company Nettania IT where I offer IT-Consulting and IT-Services for small and medium companies as well as for freelancer. Even I studied software development, today I mainly administrate server systems and web applications for my customers.

I am really interested in the “paperless office” and in my company I nearly do not use any kind of paper anymore. Instead I use web based document management systems with integrated office server for my work and other tools to reach as close as possible the “paperless office”. As part of this I am interested in Storage solutions like NAS and Big data storage.

I live in Innsbruck, Austria and love to spend as much time as possible outdoors making sport like biking, hiking, skiing and ski touring. I am also a passionated photographer and video maker (mainly for my outdoor activities) and share the results with my friends and partly on social media, especially on instagram.